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Your Health Matters

Strengthen Digestive Fire  |  Remove Ama (Toxins)  |  Restore Ojas (Vitality)


               For years I struggled with ongoing misdiagnosed UTIs. It turned out most of the time I had UTI symptoms there was no sign of bacteria in my urine tests. I finally saw a GP in Canada that pointed to the possibility that I may have Interstitial Cystitis (IC) or chronic inflammation of the bladder. After a few tests and a phone call with a specialist I was told that by process of elimination, that was my diagnosis. The specialist directed me to a urology association website for further information on foods to avoid and I was also prescribed a medication called Pyridium. Between the hardship I experienced when I have a flare up and the lack of attention and time I received from the medical system in Canada, I was feeling at a loss. Dr. Raslin Paul developed an Ayurveda treatment meant to heal the root cause of my condition, as opposed to the band-aid fix provided by the medication. During the 1st month of treatment I already saw tremendous improvement, including the fact that I no longer experienced a major flare up that left me in bed for hours. After fulfilling that initial month of treatment, I slowly became aware of my symptoms worsening, which indicated that my body needed a longer treatment to deal with all the underlying inflammation. Since then, I've been in my second round, and all I can say is that I feel blessed to have had access to Dr. Raslin Paul's knowledge and guidance. It takes patience and dedication to become more in tune with our bodies, and some of us struggle mightily with implementing dietary and lifestyle changes. Dr. Raslin Paul's treatment helped me especially because of how accessible they are and easy to ingest throughout your day. Not to say that we shouldn't strive to make dietary and lifestyle changes but by providing you with the pill treatments, Dr. Raslin Paul gives you boost allowing you to begin to feel better, while you overcome some of those challenges. If you have been diagnosed with a chronic or auto-immune disease, or are just looking to improve your health and wellbeing, I highly recommend seeking Dr. Raslin Paul's guidance.

 - Marina N

Examining Crops


While I was practicing modern medicine, I was always looking for options to treat patients holistically; That is when I came across Ayurveda.


Studying Ayurveda at California College of Ayurveda along with my own research helped me understand the base principle; Which is: Creating balance in the body and harmony in mind provides optimum environment for healing to take place. When body is out of balance, it communicates this imbalance by creating symptoms. When balance is restored, symptoms disappear.


This is how the body heals itself and this is what we at Potent healing strive for.

The goal of Potent healing is to assists patients in restoring health using natural healing principles and empowering patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

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Get in touch today and find out how we can help set you on the path to better health.

Office Hours: By appointment only

2615 Ashby Ave

Berkeley, CA, 94705

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